Solyze's Showcase ✨

Scroll down to see some of my work

Deadline Addon

An addon for the Champion Tickets Discord bot that I made for It introduces the ability to add a deadline to a commission ticket. The Freelancer and Client will be notified when there's less than 72 hours left, less than 24 hours less, or if the deadline has been reached. Made with JavaScript.

Entheria Discord Bot

This Discord bot is one of my proudest creations. It had tons features for community, staff and management. There's so many features packed in this bot it would be way to much to put here. Some of them are staff-chat bridge between in-game and Discord, polls (With unique UI), notification roles, proxy status, suggestions, logs and so much more.

Configurable Items

This item system allows you to make anything from game selectors to armor sets with bonuses. The system is still being expanded constantly. I may even release an official version of this system in the future. In addition to easily being able to add items via. config, you can also add items via. the API if you want to do even more.


This is a very simple yet useful Discord bot for VALORANT players that don't want to log on every day to check if their store contains something they want. This bot will connect VALORANT stores to Discord accounts, sending a private message every time a new store is out (every 24 hours).

Item Generators

This was a plugin I developed for GoliCraft, when that was a thing. The concept was basically a hand-held crate, to give the server a more atmospheric feeling. I later renamed the plugin to Pocket Boxes, as I felt that was a better name. This video shows the first version of the plugin, I later recoded the whole thing.

Entheria Trophies

Trophies is a very simple and small "module" for Entheria's core. You can configure a set of trophies in a YAML file and give it to players in-game as a sort of "suveniere". The code for this was very simple and took me about 10 minutes.

TrackerMC Website

This is the website I made for one of my servers, TrackerMC. It included a staff page that fetched data directly from LuckPerms, an application page and a news home page. It was made using HTML, PHP, CSS and with Bootstrap. It might still be up at Keep in mind, this website was very incomplete.

Neon Transcripts

This is the transcript system I made for an old project. It saves a Discord ticket channel to a link on a website. It was made with HTML, CSS and PHP. I'd say it's pretty basic, but pretty advanced at the same time. For now the only extras it includes other than the message content is the original content if the message was edited. Mentions also work.

Teleport Scrolls

This is another module for Entheria's core, it wasn't a challenge but it was a pretty medium sized one. These are teleport scrolls, they come in two types; universal and normal. The universal allows you to teleport to any scroll location, and the normals allow you to travel to a single location.

Mining System

This will probably end up being Entheria's largest module when it's complete. This is a custom mining system similar to Hypixel SkyBlock and works with the selection module to make regions. Players can mine the ores if they have a permission, and the ores will regenerate shortly. You can also randomize drops, and the blocks to regen.

Deadline Addon

An addon for the Champion Tickets Discord bot that I made for It introduces the ability to add a deadline to a commission ticket. The Freelancer and Client will be notified when there's less than 72 hours left, less than 24 hours less, or if the deadline has been reached. Made with JavaScript.

Entheria Discord Bot

This Discord bot is one of my proudest creations. It had tons features for community, staff and management. There's so many features packed in this bot it would be way to much to put here. Some of them are staff-chat bridge between in-game and Discord, polls (With unique UI), notification roles, proxy status, suggestions, logs and so much more.

Configurable Items

This item system allows you to make anything from game selectors to armor sets with bonuses. The system is still being expanded constantly. I may even release an official version of this system in the future. In addition to easily being able to add items via. config, you can also add items via. the API if you want to do even more.


This is a very simple yet useful Discord bot for VALORANT players that don't want to log on every day to check if their store contains something they want. This bot will connect VALORANT stores to Discord accounts, sending a private message every time a new store is out (every 24 hours).

Item Generators

This was a plugin I developed for GoliCraft, when that was a thing. The concept was basically a hand-held crate, to give the server a more atmospheric feeling. I later renamed the plugin to Pocket Boxes, as I felt that was a better name. This video shows the first version of the plugin, I later recoded the whole thing.

Entheria Trophies

Trophies is a very simple and small "module" for Entheria's core. You can configure a set of trophies in a YAML file and give it to players in-game as a sort of "suveniere". The code for this was very simple and took me about 10 minutes.

TrackerMC Website

This is the website I made for one of my servers, TrackerMC. It included a staff page that fetched data directly from LuckPerms, an application page and a news home page. It was made using HTML, PHP, CSS and with Bootstrap. It might still be up at Keep in mind, this website was very incomplete.

Neon Transcripts

This is the transcript system I made for an upcoming project. It saves a Discord ticket channel to a link on a website. It was made with HTML, CSS and PHP. I'd say it's pretty basic, but pretty advanced at the same time. For now the only extras it includes other than the message content is the original content if the message was edited. Mentions also work.

Teleport Scrolls

This is another module for Entheria's core, it wasn't a challenge but it was a pretty medium sized one. These are teleport scrolls, they come in two types; universal and normal. The universal allows you to teleport to any scroll location, and the normals allow you to travel to a single location.

Mining System

This will probably end up being Entheria's largest module when it's complete. This is a custom mining system similar to Hypixel SkyBlock and works with the selection module to make regions. Players can mine the ores if they have a permission, and the ores will regenerate shortly. You can also randomize drops, and the blocks to regen.

Contact 📯

Here's where you can contact me